sabato 26 febbraio 2022


Chart updated after the chapter "1095" (Egghead Arc)
> There are only manga characters (chapter "0" included)

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01. Rocks D. Xebec
PRIME | Epithet: ? | Abilities & Powers: Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (?)

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02. Edward Newgate
PRIME | Epithet: Whitebeard, The Strongest Man in the World, The Man Closest to the One Piece | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Gura Gura no Mi); Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Nagitana - Supreme Grade Blade (Murakumogiri) | Bounty:

03. Gol D. Roger
PRIME | Epithet: Gold Roger, Pirate King, King of the PiratesAbilities & Powers: Hear the Voice of All Things; Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Supreme Grade Blade (Ace); Flintlock Pistol | Bounty: 5.564.800.000

04. Shanks
MARINEFORD & EGGHEAD | Epithet: Red Haired | Abilities & Powers: Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (Gryphon) | Bounty: 4.048.900.000

05. St. Jaygarcia Saturn & "The Five Elders"
EGGHEAD | Epithet: Heads of the World Government | Abilities & Powers: Magic Circle; Devil Fruits (?)HakiSwords - Unknown Grade Blade (?)Woods; Flintlock Pistols

06. Monkey D. Luffy (Joy Boy)
ONIGASHIMA & EGGHEAD | Epithet: Drums of Liberation | Abilities & Powers: Hear the Voice of All Things; Devil Fruit (Gomu Gomu no Mi / Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki | Bounty: | [+]

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07. Monkey D. Garp
PRIME (God Valley Incident) | Epithet: The Hero of the Marines, The Fist, Demon | Abilities & Powers: Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Cannonballs; Giant Iron Ball

08. Kaidou
ONIGASHIMA (Hybrid Form) | Epithet: of the Beasts, The Strongest Creature, Wise King | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Kanabo - Ungraded Blade (Hassaikai)Shuron Hakke | Bounty: 4.611.100.000

09. Shiki
CHAPTER 0 ("Strong World") | Epithet: The Golden Lion, The Flying Pirate | Abilities & Powers: RokushikiDevil Fruit (Fuwa Fuwa no Mi)HakiSword - Unknown Grade Blade (Oto)Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (Kogarashi)

10. Kozuki Oden
PRIME | Epithet: Idiot LordAbilities & Powers: Hear the Voice of All Things; Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Great Grade Blade (Ame no Habakiri); Sword - Great Grade Blade (Enma)

11. Kaidou
WANO COUNTRY & ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: of the Beasts, The Strongest Creature, Wise King | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Kanabo - Ungraded Blade (Hassaikai); Shuron Hakke | Bounty: 4.611.100.000

12. Charlotte Linlin
WHOLE CAKE ISLAND & ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: Big Mom, Evil Spirit | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Soru Soru no Mi); Special Homies (Pandora, Zeus, Prometheus, Hera, Misery)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (Napoleon) | Bounty: 4.388.000.000

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13. Marshall D. Teach
MARINEFORD | Epithet: Blackbeard | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruits (Yami Yami no Mi, Gura Gura no Mi)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Claw Weapons; Flintlock Pistol | Bounty: Ø | [+]

14. Sengoku
PRIME | Epithet: The Buddha, The Resourceful GeneralAbilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki

15. Edward Newgate
MARINEFORD (Old and Sick) | Epithet: Whitebeard, The Strongest Man in the World, The Man Closest to the One Piece | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Gura Gura no Mi)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Nagitana - Supreme Grade Blade (Murakumogiri) | Bounty:

16. Monkey D. Luffy
ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: Straw Hat | Abilities & Powers: Hear the Voice of All Things; Devil Fruit (Gomu Gomu no Mi)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki | Bounty: 1.500.000.000 | [+]

17. Monkey D. Garp
MARINEFORD (Old) & HACHINOSU (Old) | Epithet: The Hero of the Marines, The Fist, Demon | Abilities & Powers: Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Cannonballs; Giant Iron Ball

18. Sakazuki
MARINEFORD & POST-MARINEFORD | Epithet: Akainu (Red Dog) | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Magu Magu no Mi)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki | [+]

19. Kuzan
MARINEFORD & POST-MARINEFORD | Epithet: Aokiji (Blue Pheasant) | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Hie Hie no Mi)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki | [+]

20. Yamato
ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: Oni Princess, Guardian Deity of Wano | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Kanabo - Unknown Grade Blade (Takeru) | [+]

21. Silvers Rayleigh
PRIME | Epithet: Right Hand of the Pirate King, Dark King | Abilities & Powers: Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (?)

22. Dracule Mihawk
MARINEFORD | Epithet: Hawk Eyes, Strongest Swordman in the World | Abilities & Powers: Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Supreme Grade Blade (Yoru); Knife - Ungraded Blade (Kogatana) | Bounty: 3.590.000.000

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23. Roronoa Zoro
ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: Pirate Hunter | Abilities & Powers: Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Great Grade Blade (Wado Ichimonji)Sword - Grade Blade (Sandai Kitetsu); Sword - Skillful Grade Blade (Yubashiri); Sword - Great Grade Blade (Shusui); Sword - Great Grade Blade (Enma); Foxfire Style | Bounty: | [+]

24. Trafalgar D. Water Law
ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: Surgeon of Death | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Ope Ope no Mi)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Ungraded Blade (Kikoku) | Bounty: | [+]

25. Issho
DRESSROSA & LEVELY | Epithet: Fujitora (Wisteria Tiger) | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Zushi Zushi no Mi)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (?)

26. Eustass Kidd
ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: Captain | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Jiki Jiki no Mi); Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Flintlock Pistol | Bounty: | [+]

27. Sengoku
MARINEFORD (Old) | Epithet: The Buddha, The Resourceful GeneralAbilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki

28. Jinbe
ONIGASHIMA Epithet: Knight of the Sea | Abilities & Powers: Fish-Man Karate; Fish-Man Jujutsu; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki | Bounty: | [+]

29. Monkey D. Luffy
WANO COUNTRY Epithet: Straw Hat | Abilities & Powers: Hear the Voice of All Things; Devil Fruit (Gomu Gomu no Mi)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki | Bounty: 1.500.000.000 | [+]

30. Hyogoro
PRIME & ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: of the Flower, Boss of the Flower Capital | Abilities & Powers: Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; One Sword Style of the Flower; Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (?)

31. Silvers Rayleigh
SABAODY ISLAND (Old) Epithet: Right Hand of the Pirate King, Dark King | Abilities & Powers: Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (?)

32. Borsalino
SABAODY ISLAND & MARINEFORD | Epithet: Kizaru (Yellow Monkey) | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Pika Pika no Mi)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki

33. Vinsmoke Sanji
ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: Black Leg | Abilities & Powers: Genetic Modifications; RokushikiBlack Leg Style (Diable Jambe, Ifrit Jambe); Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Raid Suit | Bounty: | [+]

34. Marco
MARINEFORD & ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: The Phoenix | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki | Bounty: 1.374.000.000

35. Alber (King)
ONIGASHIMA | Epithet: the Wildfire, the ConflagrationAbilities & Powers: Fire Manipulation; Devil Fruit (Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (?) | Bounty: 1.390.000.000

36. Seraphim Units
EGGHEAD | Epithet: The Strongest Form of Humanity | Abilities & Powers: Fire Manipulation; Devil Fruits (Mero Mero no Mi, Supa Supa no Mi, Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, Sui Sui no Mi, ...); Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Cyborg Weapons

37. Sabo
DRESSROSA & LEVELY | Epithet: Flame Emperor, LucyAbilities & Powers: Ryusoken (Dragon Claw Fist); Devil Fruit (Mera Mera no Mi)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Metal Pipe (?) | Bounty: 602.000.000 | [+]

38. Rob Lucci
LEVELY & EGGHEAD | Epithet: Massacre Weapon | Abilities & Powers: Rokushiki; Devil Fruit (Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard); Seimei KikanBusoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki

39. Aramaki
POST-WANO COUNTRY | Epithet: Ryokugyu (Green Bull) | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Mori Mori no Mi)Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Sword - Unknown Grade Blade (?)

40. Monkey D. Luffy
WHOLE CAKE ISLAND | Epithet: Straw Hat | Abilities & Powers: Hear the Voice of All Things; Devil Fruit (Gomu Gomu no Mi)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki | Bounty: 500.000.000 | [+]

41. Charlotte Katakuri
WHOLE CAKE ISLAND | Epithet: Minister of Flour | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Mochi Mochi no Mi)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Trident - Unknown Grade Blade (Mogura) | Bounty:

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42. Donquixotte Doflamingo
DRESSROSA | Epithet: Heavenly Demon, Joker | Abilities & Powers: Devil Fruit (Ito Ito no Mi)Haoshoku Haki; Busoshoku Haki; Kenbunshoku Haki; Flintlock Pistol | Bounty: 340.000.000

- Trafalgar Law [A2Y] "Surgeon of Death"
- Jaws "Diamond Jozu"
- Charlotte Smoothie "Minister of Juice"
- Vista "of the Flower Swords"
- Sulong Inuarashi "Ruler of Day" & Sulong Nekomamushi "Ruler of Night"
- Charlotte Cracker "Thousand Arms"
- Don Chinjao [PRIME] "The Drill"
- Monkey D. Luffy [A2Y] "Straw Hat"
- Jinbe [Marineford / A2Y] "Knight of the Sea"
- Bartholomew Kuma "Tyrant, PX-0"
- Magellan "Diarrhea Man"
- Boa Hancock "Snake Princess, Pirate Empress"
- Emporio Ivankov "Miracle Person"
Marshall D. Teach [YAMI YAMI NO MI] "Blackbeard"
- Eustass Kidd [A2Y] "Captain"
Queen "The Plague"
- Vinsmoke Sanji [RAID SUIT] "Black Leg"
- Kaku [A2Y] "Mountain Wind"
- Roronoa Zoro [A2Y] "Pirate Hunter"
- Denjiro "Boss Kyoshiro"
- Killer [A2Y] "Massacre Soldier"
- Urouge [A2Y] "Mad Monk"
- Crocodile "Desert King"

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01. Joy Boy & Marshall D. Teach Rocks D. Xebec
- Uranus // Imu-sama
02. Shanks & Gol D. Roger & Edward Newgate
03. Monkey D. Luffy Monkey D. Garp & Sengoku
- Gorosei // The Five Elders
04. Silvers Rayleigh & Dracule Mihawk & Shanks
05. Kozuki Oden & Shiki & Monkey D. Dragon
06. Kaido & Charlotte Linlin
- Poseidon // Shirahoshi
07. Marshall D. Teach & Edward Newgate & Sengoku
08. Monkey D. Garp & Monkey D. Luffy
09. Sakazuki & Kuzan & Sabo
10. Yamato & Silvers Rayleigh & Dracule Mihawk
- Scopper Gaban // Shiryu
11. Roronoa Zoro & Trafalgar D. Water Law
12. Issho & Eustass Kidd & Sengoku
13. Jinbe & Monkey D. Luffy & Hyogoro
14. Silvers Rayleigh & Borsalino & Vinsmoke Sanji
15. Marco & Alber & Seraphim Units
16. Sabo & Rob Lucci
17. Aramaki & Monkey D. Luffy & Charlotte Katakuri

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? Poseidon/Shirahoshi, Uranus, Pluton (Ancestral Weapons)
? Zunisha
? "Imu-sama" (World Government)
? Figarland Garling (World Government)
? Stussy "Queen of the Pleasure District" (SSG)
? Gion "Momousagi", Tokikake "Chaton", Tensei "Kurouma" (Marines)
? Prince Grus, Kujaku, Koby "Hero" (SWORD)
? Edward Weevil "Whitebeard Jr." (Former Warlord of the Sea)
? Monkey D. Dragon, Karasu, Morley, Lindbergh, ... (Revolutionary Army)
? Buckingham Stussy, Ochoku, "Silver Axe", "Captain" John, ... (Rocks Pirates)
? Scopper Gaban, "Seagull Guns" Nozudon, Crocus, ... (Roger Pirates)
? Benn Beckman, Lucky Roux, Yasopp, Limejuice, ... (Red Hair Pirates)
? Vasco Shot, Sanjuan Wolf, Avalo Pizarro, Van Augur, ... (Blackbeard Pirates)

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01. Rocks Pirates (Rocks D. Xebec, Charlotte Linlin, Edward Newgate, Kaido, Shiki, ...)
02. World Government (Im, Five Elders, God's Knights, Marines, Cipher Pol, S.S.G., ...)
03. Roger Pirates (Gol D. Roger, Crocus, Kozuki Oden, Scopper Gaban, Silvers Rayleigh, ...)
04. Whitebeard Pirates [Prime] (Edward Newgate, Kozuki Oden, Jaws, Marco, Vista, ...)
05. Red Hair Pirates (Shanks, Benn Beckman, Lucky Roux, Yasopp, ...)
06. Marines [Fleet Admiral Kong] (Monkey D. Garp, Kong, Sengoku, Tsuru, ...)
07. Straw Hat Pirates [Grand Fleet] (Monkey D. Luffy, Jinbe, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, ...)
08. Blackbeard Pirates (Marshall D. Teach, Kuzan, Shiryu, Vasco Shot, ...)
09. Marines [Fleet Admiral Sakazuki] (Monkey D. Garp, Borsalino, Issho, Sakazuki, ...)
10. Beasts Pirates (Kaido, Alber, Jack, Queen, ...)
11. Big Mom Pirates (Charlotte Linlin, Cracker, Katakuri, Smoothie, ...)
12. Marines [Fleet Admiral Sengoku] (Monkey D. Garp, Sakazuki, Kuzan, Sengoku, ...)
13. Revolutionary Army (Monkey D. Dragon, Bartholomew Kuma, Emporio Ivankov, Sabo, ...)
14. Wano Country [Prime Kozuki Oden's Reign] (Kozuki Oden, Ashura Doji, Denjiro, Hyogoro, ...)
15. Whitebeard Pirates [Summit War] (Edward Newgate, Jaws, Marco, Vista, ...)
16. Wano Country [Kozuki Momonosuke's Reign] (Yamato, Hyogoro, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, ...)
17. Seven Warlords of the Sea (Dracule Mihawk, Doflamingo, Marshall D. Teach, Trafalgar Law, ...)
18. Cross Guild (Dracule Mihawk, Crocodile, Buggy, ...)
19. Heart Pirates (Trafalgar D. Water Law, Bepo, ...)
20. Kid Pirates (Eustass Kidd, Killer, ...)
21. Special Science Group (Dr. Vegapunk, Egghead Weapons, PX, Seraphim Units, ...)
22. C.P. 0 [Cipher Pol "Aigis" Zero] (Rob Lucci, Kaku, Stussy, ...)
23. Straw Hat Pirates [after Dressrosa & Whole Cake Island Arcs] (Monkey D. Luffy, ...)
24. Donquixotte Family (Donquixotte Doflamingo, Vergo, Pica, Trebol, ...)
25. Mink Tribe [Mokomo Dukemon] (Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Carrot, Pedro, ...)

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Monkey D. Luffy "Straw Hat" [] vs. Marshall D. Teach "Blackbeard" [3.996.000.000]
Yamato "Oni Princess" [0] vs. Kuzan "Aokiji" [?]
Roronoa Zoro "Pirate Hunter" [] vs. Shiryu "of the Rain" [?]
Jinbe "Knight of the Sea" [] vs. Vasco Shot "Heavy Drinker" [?] / J.B. "Champion [?]
Vinsmoke Sanji "Black Leg" [] vs. V. Shot "Heavy Drinker" [?] / J.B. "Champion" [?]
Franky "Iron Man" [394.000.000] vs. Sanjuan Wolf "Colossal Battleship" [?] / J.B. "Champion [?]
Nico Robin "Light of the Revolution" [930.000.000] vs. Alvalo Pizarro "Corrupt King" [?]
Brook "Soul King" [383.000.000] vs. Laffitte "Demon Sheriff" [?]
Nami "Cat Burglar" [366.000.000] vs. Catarina Devon "Crescent Moon Hunter" [?]
Usop "King of Snipers" [500.000.000] vs. Van Augur "The Supersonic" [?]
Tony Tony Chopper "Cotton Candy Lover" [1.000] vs. Doc Q "Death God" & Stronger [?]